As the face of finance continues to evolve, so also does the role of the treasurer. Formerly, treasurers were primarily responsible for funding, liquidity and cash management. Today, treasurers for financial service organizations and corporate institutions are also becoming involved in high-level strategic initiatives: from contributing to corporate financial management decisions, through instituting risk management and compliance measures, to overseeing enterprise-wide treasury operations.
Treasurers need real-time visibility of their cash positions across their entire institution. They also need flexible management tools, from front-office to back-office to enable them control financial strategies and maintain corporate-wide policies. Furthermore, all of this must be delivered on a single, integrated platform in order to decrease costs and increase straight-through-processing (STP) and automation, and to maintain the appropriate risk management controls.
In response to these evolving needs, IdeaLab Management Services offers a range of integrated treasury software solutions. These encompass a variety of functions across different types of organizations, and give both financial services and corporate treasurers the ability to mitigate cash, liquidity and capital risk, while enhancing corporate financial risk management.